
果果英语网 2023-07-28

英语作文西游记?美猴王,即孙悟空是中国明代家吴承恩的著作《西游记》中的角色之一。孙悟空带领群猴进入水帘洞后成为众猴之王,自此,高登王位,将"石"字 儿隐了,遂称美猴王。孙悟空在花果山遍访英豪之时,结识了牛魔王等六大魔王,那么,英语作文西游记?一起来了解一下吧。


Journey to the west is a book.It was writen by a man.And it tells a story about monkey Kong and other people.


1. 怎么写关于西游记的英语作文

Journey to the West, monly known to the western readers as Monkey, is a supernatural novel about a world of of fantastic invention, in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy. The novel began with a series of oral and written versions, and eventually attained its most definitive version written by Wu Ch'eng-en (1500?-1582), a scholar-official in the Yantze region, and published in 1592.

The story of Journey to the West is divided into three parts: (1) an early history of the Monkey spirit; (2) pseudo-historical account of Tripitaka's family and life before his trip to to fetch the sutras in the Western Heaven; (3)the main story, consisting of 81 dangers and calamities encountered by Tripitaka and his three animal spirit disciples - Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy (a fish spirit).

2. 西游记的英语作文60词还有翻译

The journey to west is one of China's famous books. There are four characters in it. Triptaker, Monkey king, the pig figure, Monk Sha. The book writes about the story beeen four figures and monsters. It is funny, amazing and interesting. You can read this story if you think it interesting。


Journey to the West is a Chinese classic fantastic novel. It mainly describes a long journey to the Western Heaven to fetch the Buddhist sutras. The main characters of this novel are a monk, named Xuanzang, and his four disciples, named Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Yulong Santaizi. Throughout the journey, the four brave disciples have to protect their master from various monsters and calamities. After encountering eighty-one disasters, they finally reaches their destination. The most definitive version of this novel was written by Wu Chengen in his old age and published in 1592.



Journey to the West is a mythologi-

cal novel based on many centuries

of popular tradition.It was probably put

into its present form in the 15708 by

Wu Cheng’en (1500-82).

This lively fantasy relates the

amazing adventures of the priest San-

zang as he travels west in search of

Buddhist sutras with his three disci-

ples,the irreverent and capable Mon-

key,greedy Pig,and Friar Sand.The

opening chapters recount the earlier

exploits of Monkey,culminating in his

rebellion against Heaven.We then

learn how Sanzang became a monk

and was sent on his pilgrimage by the

Tang emperor who had escaped death

with the help of an Underworld official.

The main story,the journey,takes the

priest through all kinds of entertaining

trials and tribulations,mainly at the

hands of monsters and spirits who

want to eat him.Only the courage

and powers of his disciples,especially

Monkey,save him from death.Monkey

is the hero of the fantasy,and the read-

er will soon learn why he has long been

so loved in China.Will the pilgrims

reach the Vulture Peak and obtain the

Scriptures?The answer will only be

found at the end of the lOO-chapter


The story is as full of imagination

as Monkey is of magic,and packed

with incident and down-to-earth hu-

mour.The illustrations are from 19th-

century Chinese edition.This is the first

of the three volumes of the novel.




Dear Jack,

I’m happy to hear from you.

Here, I want to introduce Journey to the West to you.

How would you like to go on a long journey with a bunch of animals having human characters? Perhaps you’ll shake your head. But many Chinese wanted such an adventure within the influence of this book.

Journey to the West is a story about a Buddhist and his four apprentices experienced eighty-one difficulties, and eventually reached the destination and got Buddhist scriptures.

Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice is one of its most brilliant plots. One day Tang Priest’ and his disciples were traveling a mountain. And there was a fiend called White Bone Thrice. It had heard that anyone who had eaten a piece of the Tang Priest’s flesh will live forever, so it tried three times to capture him. But no matter what it changed itself into, Wukong could quickly recognized it, and then raised his cudgel and hit it. Are you more interested in this book?

缓蔽I strongly recommend you to read this book. By the way, in the book everyone can find his own character. Maybe you’re the brave and resourceful Wukong.

Best wishes.

Yours, July


Every year, the Spring Festival Gala catches people’s attention. They are keeping their eyes on the shows, seeing if they are interested. It is said that the Monkey King should be on the show this year, but at last, the director changed his idea and decided to kick the Monkey King out. The news was leaked out, people felt angry about it, as the Monkey King was such a classic character, what’s more, this year belonged to the monkey year, so people thought it was necessary to let the Monkey King be on the gala. I watched the classic TV series Going to the West, the monkey king is such funny and so many people like him. Even though so many years has passed, still many young people like to watch this TV series. The memory of monkey king will still lingers on people’s mind.


以上就是英语作文西游记的全部内容,Journey to the west is the first romantic novel about gods and demons in ancient China.《西游记》是中国古代第一部浪漫主义章回体长篇神魔。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

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