
果果英语网 2024-05-03

jewelry雅思口语?Jewelry-珠宝 Clothing-服装 Accessories-饰品 Perfumeorcologne-香水或古龙水 BooksorCDs-书籍或CD Giftcards-礼品卡 以上是送礼物话题中的常用表达,如果在口语考试中遇到这个话题,可以利用这些单词和短语丰富回答,那么,jewelry雅思口语?一起来了解一下吧。
































雅思口语part 1新题

Advertisements (新题)

1. Are there many advertisements in your country?

2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

3. How do you feel about advertisements?

4. Do you like advertisements?

5. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?

6. Do advertisements (ever) influence your choice about what to buy?

7. Where can we see advertisements?

8. What are the various places where we see advertisements?

9. Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?

10. What do you think is the purpose of advertisements)?

11. What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?

Animal (新题)

1. Why do some people keep pets at home?

2. What kinds of animals do you like?

3. Have you ever had a pet before?

4. Do you like to see animals in the zoo?

5. What is the most popular animal in China?

Sleep (新题)

1. How many hours are you asleep for every day?

2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day?

3. Do old people sleep a lot? Why?

4. What time do you usually go to bed?

5. Do you always have a good sleep?

Daily Routine (新题)

1. What part of your day do you like best?

2. What's your daily routine?

3. What is the busiest part of the day for you?

4. What's the difference of routine between you and your teenager's times?

Jewelry (新题)

1. What's your attitude toward jewelry?

2. What's kind of jewelry you like to buy?

3. Why so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry to maintain value?

4. How often do you wear jewelry?

Dictionary (新题)

1. How often do you use your dictionary?

2. Do you like paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?

3. What kinds of dictionaries have you used before?

4. How will dictionaries change in the future?

Gift (新题)

1. How often do you buy others gifts?

2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?

3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

4. Why do people send gifts?


1. Do you like swimming?

2. Is it difficult to learn how to swim?

3. Where do Chinese like to go swimming?

4. What's the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?

News/ newspaper

1. Do you often read newspapers?

2. Are you very interested in the news?

3. Why do you want to know the latest news?

4. How important is it to you to get the news every day?

5. What sort of news are you most interested in?

6. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?

7. What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?

8. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?

9. Do you think it's important to read newspapers? (Why? / Why not?)

10. Why do (you think) people read newspapers?

11. What different types of newspaper are there in China?

12. Do you care about the news?


1. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer (typewriter or word-processor)?

2. Nowadays, how do most people write things?

3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

4. When do children begin to write in your country?

5. How did you learn to write?

6. Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?

7. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?

8. What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?

Outdoor activities

1. What do you do in your spare time?

2. Do you like outdoor activities?

3. What outdoor activities do you (most) like to do?

4. How often do you do that?

5. What outdoor sports do you like? (Why?)

6. How much time do you spend outdoors every week?

7. How often do you do outdoor activities?


1. When do you listen to music?

2. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

3. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

4. What's your favorite kind of music?

5. Have you ever been to a concert before?


1. Are there any TV channels in your country that don’t have adverts?

2. Do you enjoy watching adverts on TV?

3. What are the best ways for ordinary people to advertise something they want to sell in your country?

4. What is it that makes an advert effective?

5. What are the advantages to companies of advertising on the Internet rather than TV?

6. What things do advertising companies do that might give it a bad name?

7. Are advertisements important?

8. Do you watch advertisements on television or on internet?

9. Are there many advertisements in your country?

10. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

11. Where are the places we see advertisements?

12. How do you feel about advertisements?

13. What kind of advertisements do you like the most?

14. What type of advertisements do you prefer to use for getting information?

15. Do advertisements influence your choice of product?

16. Have you ever bought anything after seeing its advertisements?

17. What are the differences in advertisements on television and those in magazines?

18. What do you think is the purpose of advertisements?

19. Do you think advertising plays an important role in today’s world?

20. What sort of advertisements have a deeper impact on people?

21. Did you see any recent ad which had a deep impact on you?

Rainy days

1. Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)

2. Is there any part of China where it doesn't rain much?

3. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?

4. In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?

5. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?


1. How often do you use computer?

2. What kinds of computers are popular in China?

3. What do you usually use your computer for?

4. Who taught you how to use a computer?

5. Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?




1. Describe your favorite transport.2. Describe an old person who has influenced you most.3. Describe the favorite gift you have ever received.4. Describe something made by yourself.5. Describe a famous person you know.6. Describe a room in your home which you like most.7. Describe a river / lake / sea you like.8. Describe your favorite clothes / jewelry.9. Describe a school you used to study in.10. Describe a town / vi123ge you have visited.





二、不知怎么说 (脑中出现的总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现broken English,即不成句的英语)。



①(名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

②(名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

③(名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

④(地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

⑤(时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.


原句 套用句型后

He is truly helpful. a. He is the kind of guy who is truly helpful.

b. He always gives others the impression of being someone who is truly helpful.

Suzhou is ancient but also modern. a. Suzhou is the kind of city which gives you the impression of being both ancient and modern.

b. Suzhou is a place where you can appreciate both the ancient culture and modern city lifestyle.

The film is interesting.a. This is one of the most interesting films I have ever seen.

b. This is the kind of movie which blows your mind.

The party is exciting. a. This is the most exciting party I have ever attended.

b. It’s a party that I will remember for the rest of my life.

On the weekend, I relax myself by reading.Weekends are the time when I relax myself by reading.









同一个家庭的两个人,艺术品,最近的改变,和陌生人有趣的谈话,想重读一遍的书,历史事件,喜欢看的运动,高薪工作,第一次尝试的运动,喜欢的衣服,聪明之人,英语课,等待之事,对你有帮助的人,愉快的乡村经历,自豪家人,曾经尝试过的外国食物,电视剧,重要发明,陪伴孩子,搬家 转学,好消息,名人,有用的网站,特殊蛋糕,未来假期。


回忆1 首都

part1: 在哪里住 喜欢这个城市吗 公共交通

part2: 同一个家庭的两个人

part3: family 在中国家庭重要吗 一个人的性格与什么有关

回忆2 南京

part1: apartment 2.daily routine 3.politeness

part2: works of art

part3: value of art 政府应该投资art吗 人们对art的态度 中国人喜欢什么样的art 因为我讲的是梵高的画 所以她还问了画里颜色的冲击跟没啥颜色的画有什么不同

回忆3 上海

part1: house or flat 未来想住什么样的房子 你现在住什么样的喜欢吗? pop star 亲眼见到过吗?以后愿意去听演唱会吗 你自己愿意吗

part2: a recent change

part3: 孩子应该有change吗 为什么一些孩子怕change吗 应该怎么鼓励她们? 你觉得经常换工作好吗

回忆4 川大

part1: apartment or house kind of home u like birthday都做什么 小时候和现在有什么不同 时间管理 小时候和现在有什么不同


part2: interesting conversation with a person u didnt know when who what why interesting 讲到她打断

part3: 人们喜欢谈论问题吗 跟谁谈论 为什么 为什么讨论问题 为什么有些电视上有谈话节目 人们为什么喜欢看谈话节目 人们为什么喜欢看别人有些解决不了的

回忆5 首都

part1: 专业 music forget things 学习努力吗 每天学习完干嘛

part2: book want to read again

part3: 小孩爱读什么书 家长会愿意让他的小孩对书有兴趣吗 以前的人更爱读书还是现在的人更爱读书 书的种类变多了吗 ebook

回忆6 武昌

part1: 职业 专业(我说的机械,个人建议学工科的换个别的说) 学的困难吗,为什么 喜欢机器人吗 小时候看机器人电影吗 随身携带的东西 上午带的和下午带的有什么差别

part2: 历史事件

part3: 博物馆可以学到什么(追着问了很久

感觉很惨) 博物馆应该收费吗 人多的博物馆收费可不可以解决人多这个问题 现在的什么产品会进入博物馆

回忆7 天津

part1: 从哪来 住哪 礼貌

part2: 喜欢看的运动

part3: 中国人喜欢看什么运动 喜欢看视频还是现场

回忆8 长沙

part1: major watch 贵watch

part2: well-paid job

part3: 好难 没听懂几个

回忆9 杭州

part1 : hometown tv show transportation

part2 : 一个第一次尝试的运动

part3 : 为什么人们第一次尝试某事的时候会焦虑 对于孩子第一次尝试,家长会push他们还是persuade他们 你认为push他们和persuade他们有什么区别 有什么你知道的极限运动 为什么有些人喜欢极限运动 ps 考官声线比较模糊 需要自己抓词 语速偏块一丢丢 正常情况下正常 就是模糊!需要仔细听 态度很高冷 全程没有表情 还把桌子横过来放,这样你和他距离特别远

回忆10 南京

part1: subject 喜不喜欢你的专业 有什么有趣的事情在你的专业里 好多关于历史的问题

part2: 衣服

part3: 你购物的频率 为什么那么多人喜欢购物 男生衣服和女生衣服的区别

回忆11 吉林

part1: house apartment sunshine

part2: change

part3: 考官一直引导我但是我没听明白

回忆12 广西

part1: accommodation jewelry daily routine

part2: describe someone use a clever solution to solve a problem

part3: clever children education 女胖子考官 貌似很不喜欢我的回答 到最后还纠正我

回忆13 沈阳

part1: from live pop singer。

以上就是jewelry雅思口语的全部内容,Do you like wearing jewelry?When you may like to wear jewelry?Have you ever sent others jewelry?Public transportation 3X Do you like taking the bus?Do you often take it?How about the future?。

下一篇: 热闹英语,热闹的英语怎么说
上一篇: 推土机用英语怎么说,推土机价格多少钱一台