
果果英语网 2023-08-09

挑战自己用英语怎么说?n. 挑战; 质疑; 盘问; 怀疑;vt. 质疑; 向…挑战;vi. 提出挑战,要求竞赛(或竞争); 驳斥;[例句]I like a big challenge and they don't come much bigger than this 我喜欢大的挑战,那么,挑战自己用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


Challenge themselves

I have no alternative but to set up their own business, always working for others, though not worry, earning very little. I have gained some experience, I intend to go it alone on his own and see if I have a boss is not the quality The challenge for myself!


I have no other choices, but to start my own business. Although there is nothing to be worried about when working for others, I'm getting a very little pay.Now that I have gained some experiences from that, it would be better for me to have a business of my own. This is not only a challenge for me but also to see if i have the quility of being the owner a business.


Believe yourself, challenge yourself, beyond myself.


Believe in yourself challenges beyond yourself.



相信自己:Believe oneself

【I believe I have the talent to make it.我相信银尘谈自己有成功的天分。】

挑战自己:Challenge yourself

【The good life is constantly challenge ourselves, beyond ourselves.

生命的精彩在于不断地挑战自己, 超越自锋碰己.】

超越自己 :Beyond their own

【I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of.


以上就是挑战自己用英语怎么说的全部内容,问题一:挑战用英语怎么说 challenge/defiance/throw down the gauntlet/fling down the gauntlet/throw down the glove都可以 问题二:挑战用英文怎么说 Challenge 问题三:“敢于挑战”英语怎么说?。

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