
果果英语网 2023-07-27

巴洛克英语?因果关系你弄反了。你所见到的巴洛克、罗宾之类的是根据英语发音译过来的,而不是汉语罗宾、巴洛克可译为Robin, Robyn,你不需要弄那么细。因为它们本身就不是个有实际意义的单词。明白吗?那么,巴洛克英语?一起来了解一下吧。



Baroque style is a new phenomenon in 17th century. "Baroque" comes from the Italian word barocco, meaning bizarre, artificial; also say that the word originated from Portuguese or Spanish, meaning irregular pearl. In the 18th century, some of the classical theory to a mockery of the word home has a peculiar style of art. Baroque art has the following characteristics: whether it is architecture, sculpture, painting, have stressed a sense of movement, space, luxury, passion, feeling, or even Mystery. Baroque architecture is a kind of best art style features show of Baroque. Movement is the life of Baroque art, the performance of Baroque style in literature is mainly an exaggeration, Fan Yan, elegant, and full of religious fanaticism, human emotions are exaggerated, and it seems confusing and broken in the form .


因果关系你弄反了。你所见到的巴洛克、罗宾之类的是根据英语发音译过来的,而不是汉语罗宾谈桥物、巴洛克含液可译为消卖Robin, Robyn,你不需要弄那么细。因为它们本身就不是个有实际意义的单词。明白吗?





洛可可风格起源于18世纪的法国,最初是为了反对宫廷的繁文缛节艺术而兴起的。洛可可Rococo这个字是从法文Rocaille和意大利文Barocco 合并而隐毁来。Rocaille 是一种混合贝壳与小石子制成的室内装饰物,而Barocco 即巴洛克(Baroque)






"Baroque" style is a term that refers to since the beginning of the 17th century until the first half of the 18th century and is popular in Europe's major art style. The word comes from the Portuguese barroco, meaning an irregular Pearl. Renaissance humanist writer used this word to criticize those who do not follow the classical specifications produced works of art. Baroque style although inherited the Renaissance established tradition of reappearance of illusion, but abandoned the pure, harmonious and stable of classical style, the pursuit of a complex boast decoration, magnificent, magnify, wealth to the city's artistic realm. The Baroque style in painting is the largest representative of Flanders painter Rubens, in architecture and sculpture is the primary representative of Bernini Italy.










According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque is derived from the Portuguese word "barroco", Spanish "barroco", or French "baroque", all of which refer to a "rough or imperfect pearl", though whether it entered those languages via Latin, Arabic, or some other source is uncertain. A century ago, the Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, thought the term was derived from the Spanish barrueco, a large, irregularly-shaped pearl, and it was for a time confined to the craft of the jeweller. Others derive it from the mnemonic term "Baroco" denoting, in logical Scholastica, a supposedly laboured form of syllogism.

In informal usage, the word baroque can simply mean that something is "elaborate", with many details, without reference to the Baroque styles of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

The word "Baroque", like most periodic or stylistic designations, was invented by later critics rather than practitioners of the arts in the 17th and early 18th centuries. It is a French transliteration of the Portuguese phrase "pérola barroca", which means "irregular pearl", and natural pearls that deviate from the usual, regular forms so they do not have an axis of rotation are known as "baroque pearls".


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