
果果英语网 2023-07-25

来源于英语?come from英 [kʌm frɔm] 美 [kʌm frʌm]【词典】源自;来自某处;出生于;由…造成 例句:Where did you come from?你打哪儿来?那么,来源于英语?一起来了解一下吧。


英语的来源(Sources of English)

一、English has its roots in anglo-saxons, a west Germanic dialect, and the English language in use today includes some absorption of other languages and a few new coinage, including many Latin.

英语来源于盎格鲁-萨克逊语,一种西日耳曼方言, 目前在使用的英语中,还包括一部分对其他语言的吸收以及少数新造词,包括很多拉丁语。

二、English was inherited from the changes in the language of the four early Germanic groups who immigrated to England.





Originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialect, it was introduced to Britain when the Germans (mainly from today's northwestern Germany and the Netherlands)invaded. The original Old English consisted of a number of dialects, which also reflected the fact that the origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom on the Isle of England were diverse. One of these dialects, the late West Saxon eventually became the language of unified English.

The English language has undergone tremendous changes in the Middle Ages. Written Old English in 1000 AD is similar in vocabulary and grammar to other ancient Germanic languages (such as Old High German, Ancient Norse), and modern people cannot understand Old English at this time. The English that modern people know is largely similar to the written Middle English in 1400 AD. This shift was caused by two invasions in history.

The first was an invasion from the Northern Germanic branch (also known as the Scandinavian branch), which conquered and made part of the British Isles their colony in AD VIII and IX.

The second was the invasion of the Normans in the eleventh century. The ancient Norman language they spoke eventually developed into a variant of English called Anglo-Norman.

Close interaction with Scandinavia has led to a large number of grammatical simplifications in English, as well as the expansion of the Anglo-Frisian vocabulary (the language is at the heart of English).

However, these changes did not affect the southwestern part of England until the 9th century. It is precisely because of this that the ancient English of the region has gradually developed into a sound language. When written English first came to the fore, it was based on the spoken language of the London region, which is closer to the center of the Scandinavian colony.

Most of the vocabulary related to technology and culture evolved from the ancient Norman language, especially by the church, the court and the ruling class. Later in the Renaissance, like most other developing European languages (such as German, Dutch, Latin, and Ancient Greek), Norman and French were replaced as the main language source.

At this point, English has formed a mixed form in which the vocabulary is borrowed in large quantities and the sources of different vocabularies are different.









n. 起源,起因;出身,血统;原点,原始状态


origin story:起源故事

origin of life:生命起源

origin point:原点


表示某人或某物怎么样的出身或起源时,用主语+of+形容词+origin的表达结构,注意of后没有a/the。指明例如men of humble origin(出身卑贱的人), words of Latin origin(起源拉丁语的文字)等;



The origin of the universe is still a topic of scientific research.



come from

be from

He comes from China.= He is from China. 他来自中国.


"来自于"用英语是come from。


come from英搏哗薯[kʌm frɔm]美[kʌm frʌm]

[词典]源自; 来自某处; 出生于; 由…造成;

[例句]He's just come from the countryside.


Where did you come from?


Racist jokes come from wanting to put down other kinds of people we feelthreatened by.


Help may also come from some unexpected places


Without wanting to sound mean about it, these things all have to come from abudget.


以上就是来源于英语的全部内容,be from:来自于 短语 1、be different from 不同于 ; 和什么不一样 ; 与什么不同 ; 不同 2、be freed from 免受 ; 没有 ; 异国 3、be divorced from 毫无瓜葛 ; 脱离 ; 毫无关系 ; 毫有联系 4、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

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