
果果英语网 2023-07-26

治疗英语?treatment(英 ['triːtmənt] 美 ['triːtmənt])、cure(英 [kjʊə(r)] 美 [kjʊr]) 、therapy(英 ['θerəpi] 美 ['θerəpi])、那么,治疗英语?一起来了解一下吧。



治疗 Treatment,therapy,cure



煮汤 Boils the soup

打仿仔山扮自己 Dress up oneself

起航 set sail

和...分享... share...with...

在某种程度上 To a certain extent

避免 get away from

穿过 get through

治疗 take a treat

登机 board

做成功succeed in doing

感到紧张的 Feel anxious

闻备中起来新鲜的 smell flesh

试一试 have a try

例如 for example

为...提供... service...for...

污染河流 Pollute the rivers

砍戚宏伐森林 Clear forests

用来于...Using for…

顺着教堂走 walk along the church

最后 at last

处于危险之中 in danger

带走 take away

自从2004 since 2004

事实上 in fact



rem‧e‧dy 发音:/ 'remɪdi'remədi; ˋrɛmədɪ/

英/ 'remɪdi /.

a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious 〔治疗小病或疼痛的〕药物

等同于: cure

例如:a home remedy (= one that you make at home ) for sore throats


The herb is used as a folk remedy (= a traditional medicine, rather than one a doctor gives you ) for a baby’此毕s teething pains.


cold/cough remedy 感冒森档芹药/咳嗽药

[+ for ]

a remedy for colds


herbal/natural remedy

a natural remedy that helps insomnia



打扮自己dress up myself

起航 sailfrom

在某种程度上 To a certain extent

避免 avoid;shun;keepawayfrom

穿过 gothrough

治疗 take a treat

感没销誉斗桐到紧张的 Feel nervous

闻起来新鲜的 smell flesh

试一试 have a try

例如 for example

污染河枯段流 Pollute the rivers

用来于be use for

顺着教堂走 walkalong the church

最后 at last

处于危险之中 bein danger

带走 take away

自从2004 since 2004

事实上 in fact


煮汤boil soup

打扮自冲昌己 make up oneself

起航好档 sailing

和...分享... enjoy...with...

在某种程度上 to a certain extent

避免 avoid

穿过 go through

治疗散袜扒 cure

登机 get the plane

做成功 get the success

感到紧张的 feel nervous

闻起来新鲜的 smells fresh

试一试 have a try

例如 such as

为...提供... provied...for...

污染河流 pollute the rivers

砍伐森林 cut the forests

用来于... used for

顺着教堂走 go along the church

最后 in the end

处于危险之中 in danger

带走 take away

自从2004 from 2004 on

事实上 in fact

以上就是治疗英语的全部内容,1、treat 读音:英 [triːt] 美 [triːt]v. 对待;视为;探讨;治疗;处理;请客 n. 款待;宴飨 例句:This boy is being treated for a heart condition.这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。2、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

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